
The future of artificial intelligence: Having a look at some of the most ground breaking developments, and how ai will change the world

Introduction: In this blog post, we will explore the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and its profound impact on our world. Our reference for this exploration is the article titled "The Future of AI: How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World" by Mike Thomas, published on Mar 03, 2023. External Content (Quotation): The article begins with a thought-provoking statement: "If it feels like the future of AI is a rapidly changing landscape, that’s because the present innovations in the field of artificial intelligence are accelerating at such a blazing-fast pace that it’s tough to keep up." It highlights AI's role in shaping the future, driving emerging technologies, and influencing various industries. Commentary: Mike Thomas' article eloquently captures the breathtaking pace at which AI is advancing and transforming our world. AI has become the driving force behind innovations in technologies like big data, robotics, and the In

The evolution of IT: past, present and the furture

Introduction: In a time that is defined by rapid technological advancements, it is fascinating to look back and reflect and look back on the evolution of the information technology industry, from where it began to the present day, IT has reshaped our world in ways previously unimaginable, in this blog we will take a journey through the past, present, and glimpse into the future of Information Technology, exploring how this dynamic field has transformed and continues to shape or lives. The past The roots of Information Technology trace back to the early 20th century when large, room-sized machines known as machines known as main frames dominated the landscape. These behemoths were limited in their functions, mainly crunching numbers for scientific and military applications. The computer's journey took a significant step with the advent of the transistor and the first commercially successful computer, the     UNIVAC I, in the 1950s The rise of personal computers around 1970s revoluti

My Journey in IT: A personal blog for the IT enthusiast

Introduction: Welcome to my blog, "My Journey in IT.", I am very happy to have you tag along on the personal adventure through the world of Technology and share some of the experiences that I have had so far as an IT professional, in this post I will give you a sneak peek into the beginnings of my tech journey and what has motivated me along the way to pursue a career in this exciting field, hope you will enjoy reading through. The Genesis of my interest in information technology My interest in technology started at a very young age, I remember having a fascination towards technology and had great curiosity at how software was created and how I can start creating my own software, that was a starting point that led to me going on to learn how computer software is created and from that I went on to start learning a programming language in attempt to understand how humans communicate with computers. I carried on with my research, trying to find out how technology works, until I